Our health often depends on what we eat. Fresh and healthy food saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and many other substances necessary for our body to function. And harmful additives hinder the functioning of all organs and systems, cause various changes in tissues, worsen digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Of course, food also affects the work of the male genitourinary system. Experts note that there are a number of products to increase potency, the effect of some of them in their strength and speed can be compared with pharmacy drugs that stimulate erection. Let's see what exactly food increases masculine strength.
What foods increase potency
Products that improve potency and act quickly are called aphrodisiacs. Usually, they contain the vitamins, amino acids and microelements most necessary for men's health:
- B vitamins involved in metabolic processes and affecting sperm production;
- antioxidants - vitamins A and E, which help to eliminate toxins and toxins;
- vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, promotes rejuvenation and tissue regeneration;
- calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, silicon, sulfur and other trace elements.
Products for raising potency have a powerful effect not only on male strength, but on the entire body as a whole. Experts identify such properties of aphrodisiacs as:
- acceleration of metabolic processes and the elimination of toxins;
- improved digestion;
- normalization of the psycho-emotional state;
- strengthening immunity, increasing vitality and endurance;
- launching the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation;
- improvement of blood flow and vascular patency;
- increased blood flow to the penis.
Even the best products for potency will not give a visible effect if a man constantly smokes, drinks alcohol, is overweight, does not follow the recommendations of specialists in the treatment of existing diseases, is regularly nervous and leads a sedentary lifestyle.
Beekeeping products
Among the products that improve the potency of men, propolis is considered one of the most popular. This is a real storehouse of nutrients. Traditional healers claim that a tiny piece of propolis, absorbed in the mouth 1-2 times a day, works no worse than the well-known Viagra. Propolis is also used in the form of alcohol and water tinctures.
Honey is another beekeeping product that has a positive effect on potency. It strengthens the immune system, saturates with useful substances that are easily absorbed. You can add honey to tea, prepare a mixture with nuts and dried fruits on its basis, or eat it separately.
This product for potency in men should not be heated above 40-45 ° C, since due to the high temperature harmful substances are formed in it and useful ones are destroyed. Also, some healers recommend that men eat royal jelly and bee bread.
Beekeeping products can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you cannot eat them in large quantities. During use, you should monitor your condition and, at the first disturbing symptoms, exclude honey and propolis from the diet.
Oysters, shrimps, crayfish, sea and ocean fish, kelp, like other seafood are another group of products that increase potency in men. This is due to the high content of vitamins of the group B, PP, A, E, C and trace elements, in which zinc and selenium predominate, necessary for a stable erection and good libido at any age. In addition, seafood is rich in amino acids that stimulate testosterone production.
For maximum effect, it is advisable to eat such food raw or dried, since during heat treatment, a significant part of the nutrients disappears.
Chocolate, dried fruits and nuts
It seems that chocolate, dried fruits and nuts are just goodies. But these are also products for fast-acting potency. Chocolate soothes, promotes the production of testosterone and serotonin (the hormone of joy), relieves stress, activates mental activity, increases endurance and performance, enhances sensations during sex, makes intercourse of better quality and longer.
Dried fruits help speed up metabolism, stimulate erection, increase sperm motility, and improve a man's well-being. Nuts are a source of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, essential oils, fiber, as well as a large amount of arginine. This substance helps to improve blood circulation, more stable and full erection, increased libido.
You can simply put chocolate, nuts and dried fruit in your bag and use it as a healthy snack. But these products that increase potency are very high in calories. Therefore, you can eat them only in small quantities. For example, it is enough to eat 3-4 walnuts at a time or 5-10 pistachios, 2-3 dates or the same amount of figs.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs
Of course, the list of products that increase potency in men also includes fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and herbs. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, amino acids, fiber. Especially useful from vegetables and root crops are beets, zucchini, celery, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, turnips.
The substances found in these products stimulate a good erection, saturate with important trace elements, improve the quality of sperm and stamina in men, strengthen the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.
Fruits and berries contain a lot of easily digestible sugars that stimulate sperm production and mental activity. Many fruits increase the production of the male hormone - testosterone, increase the metabolic rate, increase the sensitivity of the penis during intimacy, and increase libido.
It is recommended to include in the diet such products for male potency as kiwi, pineapple, apricot, bananas, coconut, peaches, grapes, pears, apples, persimmons, pomegranates. Of the berries, the most useful for male strength and libido are strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries.
Fresh herbs in any dish are a great addition to enhance the flavor and the appearance of the food appetizing. But it is also a powerful aphrodisiac, which helps to become stronger, more enduring, gives a charge of vigor and positiveness, saturates with useful substances, stimulates digestion and the work of other organs.
The most useful for potency are parsley, celery, cilantro, dill. But here, too, you need to know when to stop and not eat too much greenery. So, a large amount of cilantro will give the exact opposite effect, and a lot of parsley lowers blood pressure, impairs the functioning of the genitourinary and digestive systems.
Important! Products to improve potency must be selected only for the season. For example, tomatoes in summer and autumn will have the desired positive effect, and in winter this is not the right food at all, since it contains a lot of synthetic additives and harmful compounds. Of course, some fruits, vegetables, herbs can be canned or dried, but such a product contains fewer nutrients than fresh.
Other products
There are other products that increase potency in men. The list of powerful aphrodisiacs includes:
- Kumis - mare's milk, has long been considered a product that increases potency in men almost instantly. This product contains a lot of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. But it is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended to drink it only for those men who are used to including kumis in their diet.
- Lean meat. In ancient times, it was the main source of male strength. There are many amino acids, vitamins and minerals, proteins in meat. For potency, it is better to include turkey, rabbit, homemade chicken, veal, beef in the diet. Excessive consumption of meat negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.
- Onion and garlic. These products strengthen the immune system, increase blood flow to the genitals, increase testosterone production, and help remove toxins and toxins. Onions and garlic are powerful bactericides containing selenium, which is essential for a good erection and desire for sex.
- Eggs. Chicken and quail eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Their regular consumption helps to normalize testosterone production, improve blood supply, and enhance libido. Excessive consumption of eggs (more than 1 per day) increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, so you need to be careful with this product to increase potency.
- Seeds. Pumpkin seeds, rich in zinc and possessing antiparasitic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effects, are especially useful for potency. With regular consumption in small quantities, a man's hormonal background improves, it becomes possible for prolonged sexual intercourse, and fertility increases.
What is worth giving up
It is also worth listing which products are harmful for male potency and health. It is best to abandon them altogether or minimize their presence in the diet. Experts do not recommend eating:
- smoked meats, including smoked fish and sausages;
- all sausages due to the abundance of preservatives, thickeners and other synthetic substances;
- alcohol, sweet carbonated water, purchased juices, energy drinks;
- coffee and tea in large quantities;
- white yeast bread, buns and pastries;
- fast food and all instant products, snacks;
- soy and fatty milk in large quantities, since they contain phytoestrogens that suppress testosterone production;
- mayonnaise, ketchup, and other sauces that include flavorings and preservatives.
Products that increase potency have a positive effect on the male body only when they are of high quality and fresh. For example, an unscrupulous producer may use antibiotics and hormones to accelerate the growth of healthy chicken or beef. This adversely affects both the quality of the meat and the health of the man who eats it.
Now you know which natural products increase potency and which contribute to its deterioration. Consider this when choosing your daily diet. Eat only fresh food, cook for a maximum of two days. Remember, not all foods go together.
For example, nutritionists do not recommend eating fish and meat at the same time. And be sure to approach the issue of increasing potency in a complex way: change your lifestyle to a more active and healthy one.
What foods contribute to good erectile function
After about 30 years, the potency of men begins to gradually weaken. This is associated with a decrease in testosterone, a sedentary lifestyle, and a weakened immune system. To stop the "decline", it is necessary to take measures: lead an active lifestyle, drink vitamins, monitor health, treat all diseases in time. The right food is also important - you need to regularly eat foods to improve your erection. Let's list the most important products for men's health . . .

Basis of the diet
Let's consider how it can be diversified to achieve the desired goal.
Red grapes, wine
Starting the topic of what foods are good for an erection, first of all we want to mention red grapes. It is useful for men, as it stimulates testosterone production and improves sperm quality. This product owes its beneficial properties to resveratrol, a substance responsible for the activity of a protein that is involved in the work of the male genitourinary system.
Fish, seafood
According to statistics, the Japanese retain good potency for the longest time in the world. Scientists believe this is due to the fact that they have been consuming the right erection foods all their lives. The daily consumption of fish and seafood helps to increase male strength. This food provides polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3) that are essential for the male body.
To have a good erection, you need to regularly eat foods with vitamin D (vitamin increases the level of testosterone in the blood, with its deficiency, the level of this hormone drops by 90%). The fish helps with this. Tuna is especially useful. By the way, American scientists have found that tuna also has a positive effect on DNA molecules in sperm - this is important for men preparing to become fathers in the near future.
Meat, milk
Foods such as vegetables, fruits, herbs are healthy. But if you eat only them, then some functions will weaken. We are not against vegetarianism. But there is no need to be reassured that the body will function in the same way as when eating meat products. For example, in male vegetarians, lower libido, lower testosterone levels are not fatal, but the fact is the fact.
A man needs protein to produce sperm, so if there is a problem with erection and sex drive, you need to eat meat and drink milk. It is not news that meat and milk contribute to the strongest protein accumulation. But with these products you need to know when to stop. Too fatty food will only harm men's health. Great option for men:
- Venison.
- Rabbit meat.
- Hen.
- Turkey.
The listed types of cape are the most effective option for replenishing the body with protein. Pork should be completely excluded from the list of products. Beef can be eaten occasionally (do not refuse completely from this type of meat, as it gives the body useful cholesterol, which is important for increasing the quality of potency).
By the way, it is worth remembering: we say that some foods improve erection, but if they are cooked incorrectly, then all the benefits will be reduced to zero. For example, frying meat in oil or in a wok will destroy all properties and only add carcinogens. The safest cooking methods are boiling, grilling or open fire (shish kebab, barbecue).
Honey should be eaten by men, as this product contains useful nitric oxide and boron. These substances cause an increase in blood flow to the tissues of internal organs by 50%. Consequently, honey improves metabolic processes, as a result, the erectile functionality of a man improves (after all, an erection is based on a rush of blood).
It is useful to eat honey to increase potency in its pure form - eat honey 3-4 teaspoons a day. Can be mixed with other healthy natural products such as walnuts, pine nuts, or peanuts.
What type of honey for an erection is considered the most beneficial? In fact, all types on the honey product list will be effective. However, it is believed that the best results in increasing erection are shown by jasmine, chestnut, ginseng honey (these plants are originally natural aphrodisiacs, help a man become more loving).
It is worth remembering: honey has several contraindications when food with this product is prohibited. First of all, it should not be eaten if a person has an allergy. Honey is not recommended for liver diseases, stomach ulcers, acute gastritis, diabetes mellitus, gallstone disease, heart failure. In other cases, you can use honey, but you need to know when to stop, as with any other product.
Due to its antiseptic properties, garlic is able to destroy infections, remove toxins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and relieve inflammation. Increases garlic and man's erection - all thanks to the cortisol it contains. It is useful for the production of hormones responsible for erection, and also affects spermatogenesis. That is why a healthy man's diet should contain garlic - you don't need to eat it every day, 3-4 cloves a week are enough.
To improve erectile function, only a raw product will be useful - when frying, boiling, baking, the healing properties disappear. Also, garlic can be mixed with honey or made into a tincture or decoction:
- Water tincture: pour chopped fresh garlic cloves in hot water in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Alcohol tincture: chop 7 cloves, pour 250 ml of vodka.
- Milk broth: pour 6 cloves with a glass of milk, add a spoonful of honey.
- Lemon tincture: Take freshly squeezed juice from three lemons, mix with 5 chopped heads of garlic.
In conclusion, we want to note an important point related to nutrition. Men should not starve to stimulate an erection. Hunger will only exacerbate the dysfunction. For strong potency, the regime and consistency of nutrition are extremely important. Fasting, on the other hand, will force the male body to conserve strength (to fall into a kind of "hibernation"), will begin to increase the release of stress hormones (and because of them there are problems with blood vessels, which will contribute to problems with erection).
Another important condition: food does not replace medicine! Nutritional adjustments are useful for the primary symptoms of male dysfunction or for the prevention of diseases that cause erection problems. If an erection disappears due to an illness, then you need to call a doctor or go to the hospital - there they will diagnose, prescribe a treatment program. You can eat healthy foods as an additional measure to your treatment.